Sunday 10 May 2009

Towards a theory of Quantum Governance

"Scientific, spiritual, philosophical, and mythological worldviews, shaped by available technologies, have provided the basic principles and values for the creation of social order. Indeed, at every size and scale, political and social experimentation has been a necessary and persistent human activity. However, with the exception of the relatively short-lived experiment with centralized communist statism, there has been little true innovation in governance since the creation of the U.S. Constitution. If mechanical governance is fatally flawed both technologically and cosmologically, then where else can we look?"

One of the key questions facing us today is how to re-imagine society and government in light of our post-Newtonian, quantum paradigm. The following thesis is an attempt to generate radical, world-changing ideas that will allow us to see beyond our existing structures and glimpse the next stage in human organisation.

The Problem
Political power structures orginating from an alpha-male oriented society have traditionally been defined by top-down, pyramidal organistational hierarchies. While the pendulum-swing of governmental forms has produced differing distribution of executive powers, even in Western democratic systems the locality of participants and the lack of cross-council forums has lumped and locked citizen electors into predefined categories. New user-defined power structures are required to capitalise on the decentralisation of thought made available by emergent social phenomena.

We need to begin creating governance by common interest, not vested-interest. Informing people of the choices available to them and allowing them to choose for themselves whom to elect and why at a community-upward scale is an essential step in breaking through currently enforced, parochial democratic boundaries, and a first step on the road to larger, more adaptable decision-making structures. We're all in this together.

Towards a theory of Quantum Government

Quantum society
According to quantum scientists, the fundamental building blocks of our reality – the basic elements from which everything else is formed – are best described as packets of energy. These packets are by no means uniform in character or form; some are exotic, capable of remarkable feats of teleportation, even bi-presence; others are less spectacular, but no less remarkable. Whether exotic or reserved however, each of these packets of energy plays a vital role in maintaining the fabric of the universe in which we live.

Just like these packets of energy, human society is filled with unique individuals, brimming with creative energy and remarkable talents. In a quantum model of governance, every person would be considered equally vital to the whole, regardless of race, gender, creed or pedigree. The myriad differences in society would be celebrated, but the fact that every single person contains the same creative energy - the same intrinsic significance - would also be acknowledged.

A relational model
Quantum mechanics is an inherently relational science. Relationships between quantum packets are complex and convoluted – some quantum particles have only ever been observed in communities of two of more; others seem to be disengaged with their immediate neighbours, but have an impact on distant packets. Understanding these intricate and often bizarre relationships is one of the key goals of quantum research.

Just like quantum packets, a quantum society would exist in community with itself. As history has shown, humans are an irrepressibly social species – we actively seek out groups and large numbers with whom to share our existence. This is not to say that individuals would be denied the option of self-isolation or solitude in a quantum society, but rather that society would be radically inclusive, placing a high value on meaningful interaction, dialogue and cooperation, rather than self-serving ambition and segregation. Just like the interactions between our infinitesimal counterparts, life in the quantum society would be discrete yet deeply interdependent. This complex duality of valuing both community and individuality in equal measure highlights another important aspect of quantum theory that should inform our model of quantum governance...

Both/And, not Either/Or
In a Newtonian universe, everything is binary: either This, or That. In a quantum universe however, the possibility of a third option emerges alongside – perhaps even surpasses – this binary concept. That concept is Both/And. Both/And is typically explained by the fact that, while energy was previously believed to be divided into particles and waves, light has been proven to exist as both a particle AND a wave. This has complex ramifications for physicists, but also for theories of quantum governance.

We have already discussed that society would simultaneously prize individuality and community. WHAT OTHER EXAMPLES OF DUALITY ARE THERE IN QUANTUM SOCIETY?

We have already seen that relationships are integral to quantum reality. One fascinating element of these relationships is the fact that they are often deeply symbiotic in nature. That is to say that instigating a change in one quantum packet can have direct repercussions for other packets, both near and far. Indeed, some quantum relationships are so intimately related that they demonstrate super-symmetrical qualities. That is to say that some particles directly mirror others; spin one particle backwards and its mirror will naturally echo the reversal of its symmetrical opposite.

Understanding quantum entanglement raises several important issues for quantum political scientists. Perhaps most immediate of these implications relates to how government structures should be regulated in a quantum system.

Just as relationships between quantum packets are symmetrically balanced, so the relationship between individuals and the government should be meticulously balanced, with neither side holding too much power over the other. In other words, quantum politics should be subject to natural (but deliberately implemented) checks and balances that divide power equally between various ‘symmetrical’ institutions. It has even been suggested that there might be more than one PoTUS at a time in the future (although Q Govt collaborators have already voiced suspicions that the USA as it exists today is unlikely to survive the transition to Quantum Governance, so the concept of multiple presidents is probably moot). Just as redundancy is built into biological eco-systems, its role in quantum governence needs to be careful considered.

Clearly, the danger of spreading executive power across ‘opposing’ groups risks undermining the efficacy of both and therefore the stagnation of the political system. This remains an issue that the Q Govt brain-team are seeking to overcome. Since the majority of day to day decision-making will take place on the local, democratic council level, this kind of stalemate scenario should be uncommon (it has hardly been a problem for the UK or US Government, who both employ a primitive version of this system).

Even if a stalemate situation did arise, the forces at play within quantum society would be quite able to resolve the problem without recourse to external adjudication. Quantum geo-politics will be far more nimble, energetic, dynamic, responsive and protean structures than 'modern' nation states (more on how this geopolitical landscape might look below). If a constellation of city-states loses energy, becomes stuck, static, locked into some state, either the internal dynamics from within individual city states will force a change of conditions which will break the state, or the constellation will decay or break apart to re-constitute itself in new constellations with new members.

The other major implication of quantum entanglement for post-Newtonian governance is complexity.

Since discoveries in quantum mechanics have blown predictable, Newtonian theories out of the water, one of the few certainties of quantum mechanics has that it is essentially unpredictable. However, as scientists come to understand more and more about quantum mechanics, it seems increasingly likely that events on a quantum level are not truly unpredictable, but simply infinitely more complex than ever previously imagined.

This complexity is equally true of human society and therefore of quantum government. The actions of an individual in one location can have a remarkable and unexpected impact on another seemingly disconnected individual or group. Because of this, one key facet of quantum government is recognising that every action can have unexpected and exotic consequences. In practise, this means that the outcome of any given policy decision or action is nowhere near as predictable as previously supposed: removing a dictator from power does not necessarily bring democracy or stability, policies intended to combat climate change can created crises in other systems, such as the economy and food markets.

The Way of Complexity
Quantum research has demonstrated that reality is far more complex than we had ever previously imagined. It is essential that Quantum Governance embraces this complexity as it seeks to construct its post-Newtonian socio-political and economic models. Much of our inspiration can be taken from the Natural Kingdom, where remarkable complexity is clearly evident on every level.

Unlike ‘artificial’ human structures, ‘natural’ biological systems are unconsciously self-organised, meticulously self-regulating and mutually beneficial to all parties. Where humanity has over-exploited and acted selfishly, natural ecosystems always strive for balance and sustainability.

Every biological system – from the collaboration of cells that form each of us, to the sprawling array of ecosystems that inhabit our planet – exists in a complex dance of symbiosis; a change in one variable has consequences for a myriad of other elements. A quantum society and its government would bear this reality in mind when planning new organisational structures. This means no more hyper-exploitation of resources and of each other. The way of complexity dictates that while humanity may be pinnacle of evolution, we cannot survive independent of the other elements that comprise creation. In order to guarantee our own survival, we need to understand that the rest of the system needs to survive as well.

The Power of Observation
In a quantum universe, the simple act of observation can radically change the course of events. By observing (or in some cases trying to observe) quantum mechanics in action, we introduce additional variables which distort the pre-existant reality. This concept was expounded by the German scientist, Werner Heisenberg, paraphrased here by the highly respected commentator, Bill Bailey:

“The particle. Very difficult to measure the particle. To measure it you must shine light upon it, but by doing so you distort the image of the particle making it impossible to take an accurate reading. I used smaller and smaller amounts of light, but still to no avail. Eventually I used the smallest amount of light known to man – the glove box light of a 1974 Austin Maxi. Still this was too much light!”

In the context of quantum politics, observation can be equally effective at altering the nature of our reality. Intensive public observation discourages corruption at the source and can challenge any existing dishonesty; if individuals know that they could be being watched at any time, they will temper their behaviour accordingly. Of course, there must be careful limits and controls on this system – we do not wish to create a climate of fearful paranoia akin to the police states of East Germany or Pol Pot’s Cambodia, after all. To avoid this fate, it will be essential that observation and the power inherent therein is open to everyone, not just a powerful elite.

By harnessing the power of observation, Quantum Governance would seek to establish a community where anyone who can provide appropriate evidence has the power to challenge perceived corruption at whatever level, where large power-brokers are held under close public scrunity, and genuinely democratic values allow the voice of every individual to be heard equally, regardless of social standing or influence.

To support this new, all-access approach to observation, quantum governments might seek to recruit 'Free Radicals' – roving anti-corruption specialists who will both seek to uncover illicit dealings themselves, but also support local communities in identifying, challenging and preventing corruption for themselves. (Note: to avoid Free Radicals from becoming the Stassi of tomorrow, their powers and influence will be no greater than anyone else in society’s. They will simply foster an environment of scrutiny and an intolerance of corrupt behaviour that will eventually become the norm within Quantum Society).

String Theory
The Holy Grail of Quantum mechanics is the quantum string – an almost mythical entity that weaves every complex and unfathomable element of quantum mechanics together.


To ensure success, Quantum Governance must search out its own unifying threads which can connect and unify each element of its manifesto into a common philosophy, a vision that encapsulates, inspires and informs the worldview of its new society.

There is perhaps an element of the spiritual in this search – just as belief in quantum strings requires faith, so too does belief in quantum society. We cannot be certain that we have built the necessary safeguards to protect against the evils of corruption and despotism, but we have faith in the fundamental potential for good within human society. We cannot even be certain that we have understood enough quantum mechanics to build a societal model that reflects it accurately, but we have faith that our revolutionary system will sustain us beyond the current crises and into the next millennia.

Quantum is more than just a political manifesto; it is a way of life, a philosophy, a worldview. It is the tool we need to change the way we live and interact, the way we organise our society and our economy, the way we visualise our place in the universe. If we can unite the world behind this unifying thread – our own quantum string – then we can create a society that will not only outlast the survival horizon, but emerge the other side stronger and better than ever.

[Cue inspiring swell of music!]

Getting practical 01: How would a quantum socio-political system be organised?

The City-state model
  • Self-sustainable scale with agricultural/commercial/technological capacity to meet is immediate needs, most people happy to stay in local sphere
  • City-states could specialise in an area relevant to their location (eg. Fishing for coastal collectives, arable/dairy/meat for those inland, depending on habitat). This would allow trade and dialogue between neighbouring communities (and those farther afield). Ref: The Fife Dieters,
  • Communal approach to government / economics / agriculture etc
  • A democratic system, with city-state reps sent to regional / national / international forums. (Note quantum Both/And: local and (inter)national / decentralised and centralised power).
  • Formation of larger conglomerations (‘superstructs’?) as and when to meet extraordinary needs; fluidity
  • A biological model – cells operate independently, but unite to form larger, more complex organisms for mutual benefit
External Feedback on the city-state model
This is an enjoyable idea. For a start it's graspable - which is not usually a strength of quantum anything.

Graspability is valuable because it is what will release energy in the system. If people are particles then they need to be zipping around if quantam governance is going to work (stretching the physics metaphor well beyond what's decent).

It should be fairly easy to generate loyalty to a city-state, and from loyalty comes commitment to make its institutions work. It's also easily contrastable as a unit of organisation with the nation-state, which most people seem to have given up caring about, and least in the sense that they care to participate in politics. And quite rightly too, because politics is done by small groups of well paid lobbyists moving in tiny geographical and social circles of influence. The city-state offers and opportunity to break those circles, if only by balancing them.

There is probably lots of supporting evidence for city-states in economics and human geography. Regions (city states in all but name) are often talked about as units of regeneration, and how different would city states be from federal models of regional government in Germany, the US, or indeed the city states of Italy.

What would be unusual (?) would be for these city-states to be given enough power to form their own supra-national constellations at the expense of their "host" nations.

There is lots of opportunity for unpredictable outcomes. For example London and New York might form an alliance for their own mutual benefit which would certainly be too great forany counterweight from continental europe, while Californian cities are most likely to form alliances around the pacific rim. In truth, most of this probably happens unofficialy already, certainly given the lobbying weight that bankers in London and New York are able to throw around.
The idea of city-states put lots into play, which has a very quantum feel, but study of Machiavelli and the Renaissance might also be a good idea.

Getting Practical 02: Quantum Economics

A new socio-political system requires a new economic model that matches its core vision and values. For Quantum Economists, this means searching for a new, non-exploitative economic system that will transcend and supplant existing capitalism concepts.

The model favoured by this quantum evangelist is 'Competitive Benevolence'. This ground-breaking system aims to strike a dynamic balance between capitalist enterprise and socialist collectivism, thereby achieving the quantum principle of Both/And. Under Competitive Benevolence, just as in capitalist systems, individuals are encouraged to work hard, innovate, and expand their enterprise. These competitive elements are essential to furthering human/technological/scientific development. However, there will also be a strong incentive to invest in the community; not to hang on to wealth, but to share the benefits of success throughout the quantum society.

Tired of the neo-fascist consumerism of the early 21st century, quantum societies will champion socially responsible, post-consumer values that echo our newfound understanding of our place in the wider quantum context. With relationships of trust restored between individuals, quantum societies will seek to support their neighbours and friends generously, sharing resources and finances freely and without expectation of anything in return (though in this quantum universe where consequences are largely unpredictable, a return favour may ultimately be given). In this way, a competitive element will emerge in acts of benevolence – not kindness in exchange for some immediate reward, but based on the knowledge that what is good for society is good for me. If I give this much away, what will be the outcome? We will become competitive with ourselves as we seek to discover just how generous we are willing to be.

To achieve these exciting ambitions, Q Govt are looking at Potlatch ecomonies, which promote and facilitate the free exchange of surplus between neighbours and the needy:

"You give your neighbour some apples from your tree, and they may give you a pie or some cider, or help fix your porch. Each of you may well think they got the better of the deal, and rightly so... We have charities and freecycle, but consider the incredible material wealth, the real surplus that most [of us] now possess: the garages with no space for cars because they are filled with what they ought to consider junk, but which could be a treasure or a needed material for someone else... How many lawnmowers and hedge trimmers are needed on any given block?"
A similar project which echoes this quantum approach to economics in the UK is Besom, whose purpose is to connect those who have with those who need:

"Besom provides a bridge between those people and groups that have resources and skills to share, and those who are in need. Most people don't know how to help those from outside their own immediate social sphere or cultural background - Besom creates those bridges and facilitates deeper and more meaningful connectivity throughout society, alleviating suffering in the process."

Both of these are examples of a radically new way of economic organisation which Quantum theorists should consider further.

Getting Practical 03: The challenges

Harnessing the Power of Observation
There is a serious risk of corruption and despotism within the new system. To safeguard against this, Q Govt will need to consider ways to harness the positive power of public observation.

Restoring Relationships
The success of quantum society relies heavily on developing relational interdependence - a reality that can only be achieved if people's faith in each other can be restored and the gulf of paranoia overcome. If we can restore relationships, we can stem the growth of fear and isolationism that plagues our failing society.

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